19 January 2011

Link Love.

fresh365...a collection of vegetarian recipes.  It lists what's in season and recipes for that season.

public bikes... A company out of San Francisco that sells bike's, accessories for your bike, clothing, etc...  I love their bike helmets.  I think the mr. and I need these for our bikes when they're finished :)

Of course if you're a blog reader you need google reader so get it now and then add the next button to your bookmark bar.  Just go to your google account, click on reader and then add your subscriptions by typing in the blog address.  Then add the next button by going to settings, reader settings then goodies.  Then follow the instructions for adding the next button.  It awesome and a big time saver if you read a lot of blogs.

Finally, Grooveshark.  It's by far better than Radio Paradise and Pandora in my opinion.  It's hard to explain, but go there and listen to your favorite music for free.  You won't be disappointed.


Oh, and one more for you organized people out there.  I hand write lists all. the. time.  But when I ran across this I was smitten.  How cool!

Printable Check Lists ....make your own custom lists and print them out...to do lists, grocery lists, packing lists.  Genius!

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